
Each node class performs a given computation. That is, when you convert a function to be used within nodify, what you are doing is creating a node class. Instances of the node class are then executions of such function.

The Node class is the parent of all nodes and therefore what you are going to convert your functions to. However, nodify provides node classes for common things, like syntax constructs, as they are used internally.

The Node class is the base class for all nodes. It orchestrates the behavior of the library. Any new function that you incorporate into the framework is going to be a subclass of Node.

Node(*args, **kwargs)

Generic class for nodes.

Special nodes

These nodes are special in the sense that they represent data structures rather than computation. However, they are nodes because that facilitates the interplay with the rest of the framework.



Syntax nodes

Nodes that represent syntax elements in Python code. Most likely you are not going to use these directly, but they are the core of the library’s functionality to translate regular python into workflows. They are also key to providing lazy evaluation.




ConditionalExpressionNode(test, true, false)

CompareNode(left, op, right)

BinaryOperationNode(left, op, right)

UnaryOperationNode(op, operand)

GetItemNode(obj, key)

GetAttrNode(obj, key)